Month: March 2011

Chicken Enchilada

Claudia not only cooks fantastic recipes that were passed down to her from her mother. She also has a great vault of recipes that she received from friends and coworkers. This recipe was given to Claudia a long time ago by her coworker (and my former boss) Barb. I’m not sure if this is a Barb original, or one that was passed along to her. Either way, it’s delicious enough that me and Claudia had to share it with you.

Now like most recipes featured on this blog, this isn’t necessarily the healthiest. There is a lot of cheese. I mean a LOT of cheese. However, you can make your own low-fat modifications on each ingredient to make it less artery clogging. We’ve used part skim cheese, whole wheat tortillas and low fat mushroom soup in this blog rendition. It still turned out amazing. We hope you give this one a try – even if it is on a “cheat day”.


Layered Lemon Bars


Claudia will be heading off shortly to the lovely state of Arizona. She reminds me frequently that the weather is averaging 80 degrees fahrenheit and that she will be basking in the sun’s rays for a few weeks, while I struggle to leave my home in -30 celsius weather here in Winnipeg. Therefore, I figured this dessert is perfect for the present occasion. Layered Lemon Bars not only remind me of summer evening BBQs at my parents, but are also a refreshing and light dessert that perfectly follows the heavier and hearty meals of winter.
