Month: January 2012

Pineapple Slice

I love fruit desserts. Apple, strawberry, raspberry – you name it.

But pineapple? I was a little skeptical.

As you can tell, this recipe is old. It apparently was my Grandmother’s. The image above reaffirms why I needed to create this blog, as this is Claudia’s recipe. Handwritten, worn and slightly yellow. Splash some water on this puppy and it’s a goner.

My Grandmother apparently made this dessert a lot more than Claudia did while I was growing up. Prior to this blog posting, I argued with Claudia that I never tried this tasty dessert before. She vehemently disagreed. When we received a request to make this treat for Christmas, it was then that I fell in love with this delightful slice. Try it and you will too!

Pardon our interruption…

If you tried to view our site over the past few days and found some random hosting site rather than your favourite Claudia’s Cookbook recipe – you’re not alone. We decided to switch up our website hosting company and it landed us M.I.A for a few days. I would like to apologize if this has caused you confusion and deep sadness that we were gone forever. This whole process forced me to do a bit of a redesign. Have no fear – our website is back and better than ever. I hope you enjoy the new look and feel of the site!

One thing I should mention is if you subscribed to our blog before and didn’t receive an update regarding this latest post, you may need to re-subscribe to it again due to this whole redesigned platform. The new subscription link is on the right side of the blog. Again, I appreciate your patience and your interest in the blog!

As a peace offering, I leave you with a great cookie recipe I have been meaning to try for ages – Baker’s One Bowl White Chocolate-Chocolate Chunk Cookies (pictured above). I can’t begin to explain how delicious these cookies are. It made me wish I made them a lot sooner. Super rich and chocolately – perfect for those winter chocolate cravings. Enjoy!

Roasted Veggies

First off, Happy New Year! How many resolutions have you broken already?! Ah, don’t be ashamed. Like most people, I also tend to break them within the first few days. That’s why I do my best not to make them anymore.

I figured I would post one of my all-time favourite recipes that will help you keep your healthy living resolutions for 2012. This is probably one of the simplest, most delicious vegetable dishes I have tried. It is adapted from the Looneyspoons Collection cookbook by Janet and Greta Podleski. These ladies are amazing at creating delicious dishes that are super healthy and simple. I highly recommend you pick up one of their cookbooks and give some of the recipes a try. You won’t be disappointed. These roasted vegetables are flavourful, hearty and totally diet compliant.
