Month: April 2012

Sugar Cookie Bars

Your favourite cookie, but in bar form. That is basically what this recipe is all about. During Christmas, we featured Claudia’s fantastic Sugar Cookie recipe. Chewy, moist sugar cookies are one of my all-time favourite kind of dessert. When I came across this Sugar Cookie Bar recipe, I knew immediately that I needed to try it. I also received a request by a friend to make these, as she also though the recipe and concept sounded amazing. I’m glad I did. This recipe is adapted by the blog The Curvy Carrot. It is super simple and delicious. Make these once and I am confident you will continue to get requests to make them again and again.


Salted Caramel & Nutella Rice Krispie Squares

I waited for as long as I could. I tried my best to avoid walking down the aisle where I knew it would be. Alas, the temptation was too strong. I broke down and finally bought that tub of Nutella. Oh Nutella, you sultry chocolatey temptress. I didn’t grow up on Nutella. I grew up on old fashioned peanut butter and Cheez Whiz. Yes, I said Cheez Whiz. Claudia constantly reminds me that I was quite the picky eater growing up. I refused to eat any kind of sandwich that she made for lunch that wasn’t Cheez Whiz. Let’s just say I am happy my palate has evolved and I can appreciate the better things in life – like Nutella.

Like most Mom’s, Claudia made a lot of Rice Krispie treats for us kids growing up. I figured I would take this classic dessert and put more of an adult twist by topping it with chocolate and my latest obsession – salted caramel. I adapted this recipe from Mini Baker. It’s so simple and positively delicious. If these were available back in the ’80s, the 8-year old me would have put down the Cheez Whiz and picked up the Nutella.


Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Peanut Butter Bites

I know what you’re saying – “So much for our vow of posting healthy recipes, hey?” I have a good reason. I blame this one on Pinterest. Yep, I’m a pinner. I was sucked into the abyss of food, decorating and cute outfit photos about half a year ago ago and have been addicted ever since. Please feel free to fuel the addiction and follow our boards.

With Claudia still working call and evening shifts, I have been left to fend on my own until next week. Therefore, I decided to find a recipe to feature that would favour my baking skills and, of course, make my friends drool. This recipe had me at “cookie dough”. It is adapted from the lovely Jessica at How Sweet it Is. I check her blog practically every day as she always posts such amazing creations. I was surprised to find this recipe first on Pinterest. Oh, the power of the internet.

I don’t think I need to convince you that this recipe is absolutely delicious. You really can’t go wrong with chocolate covered cookie dough with hints of peanut butter. I’m just going to walk you through the recipe so you an see how easy it is to make…and also to make you drool just a little.
