Month: July 2013

Saskatoon Pie

Claudia's Cookbook - Saskatoon Pie 21I am finally starting to feel a little better. As I mentioned in my last post, I have been struggling with a nasty head cold. This past weekend, I was to the point where I couldn’t take being in the house any longer. So, I went on a bit of a baking/cooking tangent. I now have enough blog material for a month! Yeah, I’m not Type-A at all.

Claudia and I finally reunited in the kitchen. It was a glorious moment, filled with her making passive aggressive self-talk comments while rolling out the Saskatoon Pie dough (i.e: “way to go Claud, that wasn’t the right size at all!”) to her comments towards me on walking into her home looking all “professional photographer” because I brought my tripod. Yep, it was a good ol’ mother-daughter time indeed! I actually had a lot of fun…and an eye-opening experience as to where I get my own negative self-talk from – ha!

So, this pie is simply amazing. I actually took it to my friend Nicole’s for dinner the evening after we baked it and both her and her sons loved it. You can’t get a more honest review than from children under the age of 10. The Saskatoon Berries are sweet with a hint of tartness, and the crust is flaky and delightful. With Saskatoon’s in season, you cannot go wrong with this pie. If you don’t have access to Saskatoon Berries, you can easily use blueberries.


Raspberry Chocolate Chip Muffins

Claudia's Cookbook - Raspberry Chocolate Chip Muffins 14I don’t think there is anything worse than the summer cold. I am suffering from a nasty one right now. Sore throat, congestion and fatigue. It’s a good thing the weather here has been rainy or else I would seriously be feeling ripped off. We only experience super warm weather here in Winnipeg approximately 3-4 months out of the year. The rest of the year the weather fluctuates between mediocre and freezing cold. You may recall that even when I tried to escape the freezing cold this past winter and escaped to Arizona to visit Claudia, I was hit by a nasty flu bug and was bedridden for the entire vacation. I guess I’m simply not meant to bask the the glorious sun while being poolside and healthy.

Speaking of Claudia, she’s back in town after a few weeks in Saskatchewan. Of course, she brought me back a plethora of freshly-picked berries – Strawberries and Saskatoon Berries to be exact (Saskatoon Berry recipe coming soon!). Since I have inherited my body weight in berries, I decided to get rid of the current ones in my fridge. Enter these delicious Raspberry Chocolate Chip Muffins. I absolutely love them. LOVE THEM. They are delicious! The perfect balance of juicy tart raspberries combined with the sweet/bitter dark chocolate and cinnamon baked goodness. They are a hit here in my house. The other bonus about this recipe is that you don’t need an electric mixer. It is highly recommended that you mix all the ingredients by hand to prevent over-mixing and, in turn, dry muffins.


Fresh Raspberry and Buttermilk Sherbet

Claudia's Cookbook - Raspberry Buttermilk Sherbet 13

I am a huge fan of ice cream. When somebody asks me if I could eat one thing for the rest of my life what would it be – I always respond “ice cream, hands down”. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, there is nothing better than homemade ice cream. The ice cream attachment on my KitchenAid mixer was by far the best food making decision I have ever made. Mainly because I literally live within walking distance from a Dairy Queen and I’d be flat broke by now from ice cream purchases. Making your own ice cream, sherbet or sorbet is so easy and cost effective. Plus, it seriously tastes fresh and amazing without the artificial preservatives. I have convinced Claudia that making your own ice cream is the way to go and she has become a believer. Finally, I actually taught my Mom something in the food department!

I had a ton of berries in my fridge so I decided to try this Fresh Raspberry and Buttermilk Sherbet. I am so glad I did. You can use any type of fresh berry, but I decided to give the raspberries a whirl. I have already received requests to make this recipe with blueberries and cannot wait to do so. The buttermilk in this recipe gives this sherbet a creamy rich taste but does not overpower on the freshness of the berries. It still remains a light and tasty snack perfect for our current hot summer days.


Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake

Claudia's Cookbook - Upside Down Rhubarb Cake 14

Wow – it’s hot out there! I hope the weather has been as good to you as it has to us here in Winnipeg. It’s been sweltering over the past week. And trust me, I’m not complaining…especially after our frigid winter we experienced this year. (more…)