Month: August 2013

Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce

Claudia's Cookbook - Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce 17

Last week, I made a pretty big decision. One I was contemplating for about 10 years. After much thought and consideration, I have decided to play hockey again. I learned how to skate pretty much right after I learned how to walk, and have been playing hockey ever since. I have been on an approximate 10+ year hiatus and I figured I needed to do something about it. The main reason why I fell out of playing hockey is because many (if not all) of the friends I played with stopped playing. Plus, it’s a little daunting being placed on a team where you know absolutely nobody. But I decided to take the chance and now am officially a member of the Goal Diggers! I also may have signed up simply for the team name – amazing!

A couple days ago, I broke the news to Claudia that I was playing hockey again. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. She has been and always will be my biggest hockey fan. I honestly don’t know how she did it – work full time, shuttle me back and forth to practice and games at least 3-4 times a week, cook us all family meals every day, and ensure all my equipment smelt great. Trust me, that that one is a HUGE job! People who play hockey or have kids who do clearly know what I’m talking about. Now that I’m a fully functioning adult, I don’t expect her to chauffeur me to all my games and practices – although that would be simply amazing. However, she has already declared she will be in the stands cheering me on at some games. I didn’t even have to ask!

I figured as a token of my appreciation for her fandom, I would bake her this delicious Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce. Yeah…it’s pretty much the best peach crisp I have ever had. The flavours reminded me of a dessert that could easily be served in a restaurant. The sweet peaches and maple syrup, topped with a crumbly buttery layer. You cannot go wrong with this. I also almost ate the Maple Cream Sauce with a spoon out of the jar the next day. I would like to point out..ALMOST. Okay so I did it….sue me.


Quinoa Burgers

Claudia's Cookbook - Quinoa Burgers 7

Reason #852 why I love being on vacation: I have the time to meal plan and grocery shop.

This past week I have been enjoying my vacation immensely. I’ve actually been to the grocery store 3 times in 3 days. I love it. I also finally have the time to look through all those cookbooks that I own and am able to meal plan some healthy dinners. This is huge people, huge. This recipe is one of my all-time favs in the healthy department. These Quinoa Burgers are so simple and insanely delicious. Even my Dad loved them. Again, that’s huge! They are filled with warm flavor and crisp veggies. They are also very light. My Dad liking “hippie food” is your biggest reason to try this recipe out in a hurry.


Strawberry Yogurt Cake

Claudia's Cookbook - Strawberry Yogurt Cake 16

T-minus 1 day until I’m officially on vacation! I cannot wait. I am actually doing a stay-cation and spending time in the city and at home. The decision to take a week’s vacation was a last minute one, so I didn’t have time to put together travel plans. I’m also going to be a bridesmaid next weekend for the 5th time, so I figured I should stay put as there are many exciting events leading up to my friend’s big day.

Although my vacation will consist of attending some appointments and getting some much needed beauty sleep, I cannot wait to have more time to cook and bake. If you follow me on Facebook (and if you don’t – you totally should!), you will already know that I purchased Gwyneth Paltrow’s latest cookbook “It’s All Good“. I’m not a huge Gwyneth fan, but I must say, the recipes in this cookbook sound extremely delicious. Some ingredients may be a challenge to find, therefore I’m totally looking forward to having more time to shop around and to visit some local organic grocery stores. I will keep you posted on how the recipes turn out!

Now, onto this latest recipe I am featuring. It’s pretty much one of the best cakes I’ve ever made with fruit in it, hands down. I made it with freshly picked strawberries and I cannot say enough about how delicious it tasted. Claudia loved it as well and encouraged me to make it again. That is always the true test, if your mother approves. The Greek yogurt makes it sinfully moist, and the lemon icing gives it a nice sweetness.


Blueberry Banana Bread

Claudia's Cookbook - Blueberry Banana Bread

What a long weekend. I’m utterly exhausted. I think the Saskatchewan country air does that to you. It’s either that or Claudia waking me up at 6:00am to go fishing. She convinced me that it was the only time the fish bite. And, she was right. We ended up catching a bunch of fish – large and small. My fiancĂ© even caught a master angler! We threw the master angler back along with the some of the really small fish, but ended up with a haul of about 5 Pickerel fish (or Walleye). Who knew Claudia was such a fish whisperer?

Along with being able to speak to the fish in Canada, Claudia also makes a mean Banana Bread. I love this recipe. She typically doesn’t add berries, but I had an abundance of blueberries so I figured I’d throw them in there. I’m glad I did. This bread is super moist and flavourful. Claudia even approved the blueberry addition I made and deemed it absolutely delicious. I think you will too!
