I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of breakfast. Okay, scratch that. I actually really like breakfast foods. I just don’t have the time each morning to make them. I like sleep. I am the queen of the snooze button. That trait doesn’t bode well for me to have the time to make a healthy breakfast. That’s why 90% of my days begin with a protein smoothie. They are super easy to make and take less than 5 minutes each morning. Not to mention, the are crazy healthy and a simple way to get in some protein to start off my day.
When The Hut Group contacted me wondering whether I would be interested in reviewing their MyProtein Impact Whey Protein Powder, I was happy to participate. I was sent their ‘Chocolate Smooth’ flavour, which I requested as I typically only use chocolate protein powders, and it would be easier for me to compare to other brands I have used and like. They also carry up to 40 different unique flavours like Tiramasu, Rhubarb & Custard and Lemon Cheesecake.
I do think it is important that I clarify upfront that I am in no way being monetarily compensated for my review of their protein powder. The views expressed in my post are solely mine.
Impact Whey Protein Powder is made-up of 100% premium grade whey protein concentrate and has over 20g of protein per serving. It also has a comprehensive amino acid profile providing all the essential amino acids and contains over 2g of Leucine per serving, which is a great nutritional profile. The one thing that I immediately noticed about this protein is that this flavour of chocolate is considerably sweeter in taste than the brands I have typically used. Not necessarily a bad thing, but one fact you should be aware of if you are using sweeter fruits or liquids in your smoothies. I also noticed that it makes smoothies incredibly creamy, which is fantastic.
This protein powder truly creates decadent, rich smoothies which are perfect for those people who want a smoothie as a treat but also want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That is why I wanted to use it in this Black Forest Protein Smoothie recipe. The sweet dark cherries and rich chocolate protein powder are the perfect combination for a nice creamy smoothie that will definitely trick your taste buds from thinking that you’re drinking something super healthy.
You will need:
1 cup pitted frozen cherries
2 scoops your favourite chocolate protein (I used MyProtein’s Chocolate Smooth Impact Whey Protein)
1 banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or the milk of your choice)
4 ice cubes
Place frozen cherries in the bottom of your blender.
It’s important when making smoothies to put the bulk of your frozen items in first as the blades will be able to puree it a lot easier.
Add banana and almond milk.
Add your ice cubes.
You can also skip the ice cubes altogether if you use a frozen banana.
Finally, add your chocolate protein powder.
Blend it up until smooth and no lumps are present.
About 1 minutes or so. I typically pulse the last few seconds to ensure everything is mixed properly.
Pour into a glass and serve!
If you want a decadent treat, top with some whipped cream and a cherry.
How gorgeous is this?!
Creamy, sweet and delicious.
You hardly realize it’s actually good for you.

- 1 cup frozen pitted cherries
- 2 scoops chocolate protein powder (I used MyProtein's Impact Whey Protein in Chocolate Smooth)
- 1 banana, sliced
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or milk of your choice)
- 4 ice cubes
- Place frozen cherries at the bottom of your blender.
- Add banana and almond milk.
- Add ice cubes.
- Add chocolate protein powder.
- Blend until smooth, about 1 minute, pulsing the last few seconds.
- Pour into glasses and top with whipped cream and a cherry (optional)
- Enjoy!
- You can use a frozen banana to replace the ice cubes.