Claudia's Cookbook - Breakfast Bruschetta 12

My garden has exploded. I have never experienced so many tomatoes, hot peppers, and herbs in my life. I think it may have something to do with the Miracle-Gro that I used for the first time ever. I was very reluctant, as I pride myself on a completely organic garden. However, after much pestering from my husband (sorry honey!), we bought some. All I have to say is my parsley is legit the height of me. I am not even kidding. I’m 5’4″ and so is the flat leaf. Yep, insane. I’m not sure if I will do it all again next year, as the weight of the plants has buckled bungee cords. but it was a good experiment!

Because of the abundance of tomatoes, and the fact that I don’t want to have heartburn for the next month because I’ve ingested so many at once, I decided to tackle the quantities early and incorporate the fresh ingredients slowly into our meals. First up – breakfast! As mentioned in my previous post, I am a breakfast smoothie gal. Mainly because I love sleep more than life itself and I could not be bothered to wake up any earlier than it takes to run a comb through my hair and press “puree” on my blender. However, on weekends where I have more time to treat myself to a delicious breakfast, this is my new go-to. I am a huge fan of avocado, and apparently avocado and toast is all the rage with food bloggers these days. Seriously – it’s crazy. So, I figured why not try a recipe that takes my love of avocado and abundance of tomatoes, and make a hearty, healthy breakfast. I think I did good here, you guys. 

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Brush bread on both sides with olive oil. 

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Heat skillet over medium heat. 

Add another tablespoon of olive oil to the pan.

Lightly toast both sides of the bread until it’s golden brown. 

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Should look like so. 

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Place diced tomatoes into a small bowl. 

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Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and toss to coat. 

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Cut your avocado in half and remove the pit. 

Scoop out the flesh into a small bowl. 

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Add your lime juice to the avocado. 

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Mash avocado with a fork, incorporating the lime juice completely. 

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Season with sea salt and pepper to taste. 

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Spread your avocado onto both pieces of toast. 

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Next spoon on your tomatoes.

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Serve up the deliciousness.  

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Such a fresh and fantastic way to start your day. 


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