Not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m slightly obsessed with mini eggs.
(more…)Not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m slightly obsessed with mini eggs.
(more…)Hi, Friends! Yes, I did promise you all that I would do better and blog more than once a year. Yes, I also realize that I made that promise the last time I blogged – which was this time last year.
(more…)Well, it’s been a minute since my last post. I think a few seasons have passed. I may have missed peach season, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy their deliciousness in the off season.
Current mood: I want to tell all these people around me who say they are excited for cooler autumn temperatures to get lost. (more…)
In case you were wondering, the strawberry game is still going strong in my house. I am very lucky to have a farmers market happening every Thursday near my office. (more…)
Well, I’m officially moved into our new house. I am still surrounded by boxes but managed to unpack enough to start baking in the new kitchen. (more…)
I love blood orange season. Well, at least it’s blood orange season around here. I don’t really pay attention to the other seasons around the world because we have winter pretty much 9 months out of the year up here. (more…)
Last year, I participated in National Cupcake Day for SPCAs and Humane Societies. I actually did three separate weekends where I baked cupcakes for friends and family where all funds went to the Winnipeg Humane Society. (more…)
Spring is in the air! The snow is melting and I actually saw some Canada Geese waddling around this week. I even went outside without a jacket. That is a true sign that the winter blues are officially behind us here in Winnipeg. (more…)
Chocolate cravings…..I’ve had a few. I try not to keep chocolate in the house in fear that I will eat it all. When I do have chocolate lying around, it’s in the form of unsweetened cocoa powder or chocolate chips. (more…)