

Pumpkin Donuts with Browned Butter Maple Frosting

Claudia's Cookbook - Pumpkin Donuts with Browned Butter Maple Frosting Cover

There are two things my hockey team is passionate about: playing hockey (obvs) and donuts. When I mention that I am bringing donuts to the game, I become somewhat of a hero. Our message board gets extremely animated. I’ve made these donuts for them a few times now and they are always gobbled up in mere minutes. And for good reason. They are seriously one of the most delicious baked donuts I have ever had. They are extremely soft. The flavour combination of pumpkin and maple is decadent. Not to mention, these donuts incorporate my favourite obsession: browned butter! 

A lot of people have asked me where to buy donut pans. I bought mine on Amazon. They are Wilton brand and are wonderful and extremely inexpensive. I enjoy baked donuts way more than fried. So these pans have come in handy for all my sweet cravings. 


Flourless Dark Chocolate Cookie Bites {Gluten Free}

Claudia's Cookbook - Healthier Dark Chocolate Flourless Cookie Bites cover

You are looking at a hockey champion. That’s right, my hockey team won our divisional championship last weekend! Considering we didn’t win a single game until January (season started in October), being division champs is HUGE feat for us. I couldn’t be prouder of my team, which is made up of the best group of ladies ever. I honestly don’t think we could have grown as a team as much as we did without the positivity and sportsmanship everyone exuded each game. Even the ones where we lost 10-0. Yes, that happened more than once!

Goal Diggers: ASHL Hockey Champs

 (I’m second from the left in the front row!)

I am on a month hiatus until our spring/summer hockey league starts. Not only will I miss the ladies I play with, I will also miss the exercise each Sunday. I have started a really awesome workout regime thanks to my teammate Danelle, who is also a personal trainer. For the first time in a few years, I’m actually enjoying going to the gym and working out with her. I have also found that when I get into a solid workout routine, my diet naturally gets better. It’s probably because when I’m laying on the floor in utter exhaustion, the last thing I want is for all that hard work to go to waste by eating terrible.  But don’t get me wrong – I still crave my favourites, including my beloved chocolate. That’s where these cookie bites come in. They are a healthier version of a dark chocolate cookie, but without all the guilt. They are not only flourless, but they are also made with egg whites and bittersweet/dark chocolate (which has less sugar). Not only do they totally fulfill my chocolate cravings with their delicious flavour, but they also have an amazing merengue-like texture with a fudge centre. Not bad for 80 calories a cookie bite!


Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie

Claudia's Cookbook - Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie 6

The past few weeks have been super busy over here. As previously mentioned on the blog, I decided after a 10+ year hiatus to go back to playing hockey. It’s been a lot of fun and I’m slowly getting my hockey legs back (i.e. not looking like Bambi on the ice). We play  mostly in the early evenings one to two times a week. It’s great exercise, even though I don’t consider sports exercise. It’s way too fun and enjoyable to be exercise in my opinion.

Since my games are in the early evening, I tend to eat my dinner a couple hours prior to my games and often come home not feeling like eating another full meal, especially at 8:30pm. That’s where this beauty of a smoothie comes in! Protein is very good to consume after exercise to repair muscle, so I figured this smoothie is not only delicious but healthy and full of protein and vitamin A. I also enjoy it as my dessert as well. It is also super simple to make. I made it with chocolate protein powder because that is all I had, but you can make it with vanilla, or none at all if you just want to enjoy it as a delicious treat on its own. I also love the richness of almond milk, but you can use any dairy or non-dairy milk you so desire. The possibilities are endless with this treat. I hope you try it soon!


Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce

Claudia's Cookbook - Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce 17

Last week, I made a pretty big decision. One I was contemplating for about 10 years. After much thought and consideration, I have decided to play hockey again. I learned how to skate pretty much right after I learned how to walk, and have been playing hockey ever since. I have been on an approximate 10+ year hiatus and I figured I needed to do something about it. The main reason why I fell out of playing hockey is because many (if not all) of the friends I played with stopped playing. Plus, it’s a little daunting being placed on a team where you know absolutely nobody. But I decided to take the chance and now am officially a member of the Goal Diggers! I also may have signed up simply for the team name – amazing!

A couple days ago, I broke the news to Claudia that I was playing hockey again. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. She has been and always will be my biggest hockey fan. I honestly don’t know how she did it – work full time, shuttle me back and forth to practice and games at least 3-4 times a week, cook us all family meals every day, and ensure all my equipment smelt great. Trust me, that that one is a HUGE job! People who play hockey or have kids who do clearly know what I’m talking about. Now that I’m a fully functioning adult, I don’t expect her to chauffeur me to all my games and practices – although that would be simply amazing. However, she has already declared she will be in the stands cheering me on at some games. I didn’t even have to ask!

I figured as a token of my appreciation for her fandom, I would bake her this delicious Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce. Yeah…it’s pretty much the best peach crisp I have ever had. The flavours reminded me of a dessert that could easily be served in a restaurant. The sweet peaches and maple syrup, topped with a crumbly buttery layer. You cannot go wrong with this. I also almost ate the Maple Cream Sauce with a spoon out of the jar the next day. I would like to point out..ALMOST. Okay so I did it….sue me.
