
BBQ Shrimp Kabobs

It has been very hot and humid here in Manitoba over the past few weeks. Even with the air conditioning running, there is nothing I’d rather do less than use the oven and stove in the house. That’s why I absolutely love BBQ season. You can enjoy the heat where it belongs – outside. You also have minimal dishes. It’s a perfect combination for me.

This recipe is very quick, simple and light for summer. Not to mention, super healthy! You can use any of your favourite veggies in the recipe. I happen to use sweet red onion and pineapple along with red and green bell peppers.


Curryflower Soup

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Curry is not a typical spice in the Ukrainian chef’s arsenal. But this soup has been a great addition to Claudia’s cooking over the past few years. I didn’t really grow up having this dish, which is a good thing. Both me and my brother were pretty fussy kids growing up. If it wasn’t in the realm of BBQ hamburgers, perogies,  and my personal favourite – Cheese Whiz sandwiches (yes, believe it!), we weren’t eating any of it. So, if Claudia put this in front of us prior to 1996, we would have probably made such a fuss that she never would have attempted this dish again. That, in itself, would have been a tragedy.

Curry (and other Asian culinary influences for that matter), began showing up in our household well after us kids became adults.  Curryflower Soup is now one of the more “exotic” dishes  in regular rotation. Its mellow curry flavour and hearty vegetables are perfect for the rainy days of summer and the freezing cold temperatures of winter.
